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The API’s efforts focus on working with our partners and supporting innovation projects for our members to ensure the knowledge generated feeds into the current workforce and the university sector.
The Energy Networks Australia (ENA) is the peak national body representing gas and electricity distribution businesses throughout Australia. Energy networks are the lower pressure gas pipes and lower voltage electricity lines that distribute gas and electricity from energy transmission systems directly to the doorsteps of energy customers.

CIGRE - Committee On Large Electric Systems
Cigre is an international organisation dedicated to the identification and development of solutions to technical issues in the power supply sector.
Engineers Australia is the national forum for the advancement of engineering and professional development. It has over 100,000 members embracing all engineering disciplines, making this organisation one of the largest, diverse professional body for engineers in Australia.
ACPE - Australasian Committee of Power Engineering Academics
ACPE organises an annual conference “The Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference" (AUPEC). The scope of the conference is contemporary and original research and educational development in the Australasian region in the area of electrical power engineering.

ATSE – Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
One of four learned Academies, ATSE was founded in 1976 to recognise and promote the achievements of Australian scientists, engineers and technologists. ATSE provides a national forum for discussion and debate of issues critical to Australia's future, especially the impact of technology, science and engineering on our quality of life.
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