Are you a female university student studying towards a career in the power industry or a graduate in the first five years of a technically oriented role?

The API's PWLP Early Career program develops your leadership capabilities and potential through strengthening your understanding of technical challenges and opportunities in the sector and providing information and inspiration to guide your career progression. Be part of this exclusive program to strengthen your ability to make valuable contributions in the power sector and improve your effectiveness in leadership roles.
Register now (or apply for a scholarship) to join our inspiring 3-day Powerful Women Early Career residential leadership retreat in Tasmania, 27 February - 1 March 2024; an opportunity to learn from and build connections with the 60+ other women in the program and 50+ industry professionals.
Apply here : API Undergrad Applications
Here from one of the 2023 POWERful Women students we profiled this year on her experience as a women working and studying towards a career in power.