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The Australian power sector's premier professional development program for emerging leaders, delivered for industry by industry, for 15+ years.

API's Summer School + program includes online sessions with 10 executives + our 12 day residential program with 60+ experts.

SUMMER SCHOOL+ 2024 has finished for the year. Express you interest in the program for 2025.

Who should participate in this program?

Summer School+ is for experienced professionals in engineering and other technically oriented roles in the power sector, with 5+ years experience, who want to strengthen their ability to make significant contributions to our sector and to their organisation's future. 

There is great value in attending - a chance to step out of the turbulence of day to day to look at the bigger picture for the sector and connect deeply with others.

Interested in what the Summer School+ program looks like. Watch this video:

What you get: Knowledge and Networks

The School includes comprehensive discussions with 60+ expert speakers, group projects - linked to our Executive Insights speakers, site tours, and extensive networking and social activities to deepen your connections with peers across the national API community. 

Past participants in the School (and their managers) consistently share that the value of the School is the knowledge and the deeply developed professional networks created through the unique residential program - no other program can match the opportunity to build such deep and career-spanning relationships with peers from across the sector and the country and at such an important stage in your career.

Insights from the 2024 Summer School

The 2024 Summer School+ has finished for the year and you can read the two blog posts on the outcomes of the program.

Exploring the Strategic Challenges in the Power Industry - Summer School 2024 delegate presentations

Well that’s a wrap for Summer School 2024!

For more information read the previous years' reports available below.

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